
Showing posts from March, 2018

The power within you

Have you ever noticed that whenever you self-doubt yourself, you bring yourself down? If you have the power to do this to yourself, imagine what you could do if you channelize the opposite of this. Each of us is power sources. We have an infinite flow of energy through us. Imagine what you could do, if you use it effectively in thinking positive thoughts rather than negative thoughts? Use this power within you to think positively and your life starts to unfold itself in a positive way. Each of us is meant for greatness. All we need to do is to find this power within us and to unleash it in everything that we do.Whenever we face an obstacle, we think we cannot go any more and we cannot do anything any more. Use this power to move forward.

Random thoughts#3

Society rules our world. I say I rule my world. I am the ruler of my life ,of my world. Society shapes our world.  If you take a look at me, you would see many flaws which are not flaws at all. What is a flaw? Who says that it is a flaw. Society tries to put  people in certain boxes and they have their labels. Too short, too tall, too thin, too fat. (To this I say I am a miniature sized human who have been blessed with curves that others which they have. So f**k you society). Why do we even have a box? Who did this? I am me. Who I am is who I am. There is no one like me. There is no one like you other than yourself. So, why the box with label? What I want is to slip through the cracks of this society and truly be who I am.

Who determines the height of success?

Who determines the height of success?  Is it the society ? or is it yourself? What I perceive or set as success for myself will not be success for another.  How can you then say a person is successful or not? Does success mean one should be rich or does it mean one should be happy in what he/she does?  If you have set a goal and you accomplished it, isn't that success. Success means going to bed at night knowing that you have given everything you have in order to built your empire. You cannot do everything at once, but give your all to what you do. You alone can only define how successful you are. You are the boss of your own empire, your own conscious. If  you think that you want something, you have all the power to go and get it. You are youelr own power house. This is something that has benn crossing my mind lately.

You can never predict when inspiration strikes

A person told me that i was wasting away my talents, that i was wasting away my opportunities.  Even though i rebelled against it and stated that it wasn't right, i was completely wrong.  Its not about doing everything perfectly, its about grabbing the opportunity that is right in front of you. I know what  I am good at and if  I don't give input to it, I am doing a great deal less to what I know I'm good at. If you are not taking that opportunity, how on Earth can you give anything to anyone?

Rewrite your story

Rewrite your story. Yes, rewrite. When anything bad happens to us, we automatically give into the victim mode. We think everything bad happens to only us. See all obstacles and sufferings as  blessings in disguise. Many people play different roles in our lives. They were meant to be in our life to impart some knowledge. Each and everyone that we cross paths with,  have something to put in to our lives.  They might have caused us more pain than we ever deserved . And these feelings that are left behind starts to haunt our lives.Rather than focusing on the bad things, cherish the good memories that have  happened. Always focus on the good.
I'm truly sorry for not posting anything here. As I'm in the last semester of college, I need to focus a little bit on college and my project. Sorry for lack of content. Thank you for being patient with me. I will post, but not as frequent as have done before. Thank you.