Random thoughts #2
We have our insecurities, doubts, setbacks, comebacks, anxiety and this is what makes us , undeniably us. We may be broken,beaten up by situations and sometimes we might not rise up as quick as it takes. Sometimes it makes us wonder how we are in this situation that we are in. We may have lost more people than making new friends. We might be alone at times. We might still be awestruck by life. We might have not found our path ,yet. We might have walked away from people and situations that no longer helps us grow. We might be barely holding things in place.We are super humans, yet we do not recognise this. It's time we put or doubts and insecurities behind. We are constantly doubting ourselves, if we are doing right or wrong. And this self doubt has stopped us from reaching heights. We have to accept the fact that we are broken at times and that's not going to stop us anymore.