A crazy 3 am walk down memory lane

I don't know what exactly it was. It probably was induced by post exam stress, sleepiness from the night before or crazy childhood chat with my sister. Something made me realise some important things during that night. I became aware of  the true feeling of being in gratitude. I'm truly grateful for my childhood, the fun that I had, the cartoons that me and my sister binge watched and happiness of our family. It made me take a stroll down memory lane. Now when I say memory lane, I remember everything, the good , the bad, the everything. I'm that kind of a person who remembers almost all the events that took place in my life and I never forget, I simply don't know why.  And because of this, some memories kind of linger with us always and I have fought my fair share to forget those so called "memories". It sometimes is as stubborn as me and it just doesn't seem to go back.  These event are my memories because I once cherished those moments in my life even though I don't want to. So I guess there is no point in fighting this . It's going to be with me and maybe in time, I might forget the ones that are no longer needed in my life. Well that's all for today. Good morning  everyone and I hope you all will and had a beautiful day. The rooster woke up , I guess it time for me to sleep. Forever going to remember this day.
