My strength
My backbone, my foundation is my family.
There first time I had a heartbreak was when me and my best friend ended our four year friendship. I never knew that it could hurt so much. I used to cry myself to sleep. I was depressed. But what made me to keep on going was what my family told me. They told me no matter what we are always going to here, even though we cannot understand what you are going through, we would always be here. And that's how it has been till now and forever more. The reason why I am who I am now is because of all that. I was hurt, I made sure that would never put myself through so much hurt again. I would not put my heart out for anyone to temporarily come and take shelter there. It not yours to ever be there. You are not welcome. Since then I have had this series of heartbreaks. But I made sure that I would never put myself through that again. I am forgiving and yet I am not. I know that everyone around me don't understand this place that I'm in. I am happy and I have never been this happier ever. People leave you and I learnt it the hardest way. But that doesn't matter. You must keep going on. You are going to find people who will be there through the rough times, who are going to love you for who you are. They are going to love the broken parts as however it is. I always think that friendship is always the death of me because I always get broken up in this ever so twisted wanting what you have and getting out the door right after acquiring what they want. I am so over that, but yet I cannot help but be broken up every now and then. Many are going to leave you , you are going to leave many and few will always be there with you. Even though you don't see it now, you will always see the truth.