The tale till now
When you were a kid, you were innocent. You didn't know what is what. You were oblivious to everything. Everything was new, and nothing hurt you. You were oblivious to the pain, you didn't know what heartache was and you didn't need to know. You were happy, no one told you to be like this or to be like that. You could have been anyone you wanted to be a superhero or anything that you wished for. Everyone was your best friend. You had best friends in almost all the classes you have been too. Kids were not mean back then. Cue to the time you were a teenager. Everything is new. You feel like you want to fit in. You only have a certain set of friends. You tend to do everything with them. Your family is out to get you. Your friends are your real family and your family not so much. You think, no you are sure your family does not understand you. "They don't understand me the way my best friend understands me" that was your motto. All that juicy gossip just tend to f...